I Painted A Magenta Flamingo
I Painted A Magenta Flamingo - 9/15/20
Children’s Book for ages 4 to 8 years
SOFTCOVER @ $12.95
HARDCOVER @ $18.95
“My Granddaughter, who is 6 years old, and I enjoyed reading this book together. The story and illustrations have a colorful, whimsical side that my granddaughter loved, and an education side that I loved. While you can imagine a world full of new colors, you can also learn about the flamingo! I hope there will be a series on this with more animals in the future!”
Brandi D. - Hollandale, MN
A fundraiser for the local ‘Friends of the Library.’
“I thought I would share some pictures, we were flamingoed! It matched our book and inspired us to go color the picture in the book. Kinsley thought it was pretty neat to be able to color in a book!”
Kinsley’s mom
I Painted a Magenta Flamingo pits the imagination of a brother against the facts his sister knows about flamingos. The brother creates his fantasy world undeterred by his sister’s efforts to make him stick to reality. The sister does know her facts, so the reader will become quite knowledgeable about flamingos, too.
Suitable for ages 4 to 8 years.
“Love the use of color and new vocabulary words! My 5 and 7 years-olds both enjoyed the magenta flamingo more than the pale pink.”
Rachel M. - Austin, MN
From Kinsley (age 4):
"I like the gems and the other gems. This is my favorite part: All of it."
“This book is full of imagination, facts, and rich vocabulary sure to capture the reader's attention.”
Angela K. (Kinsley’s mom) - Austin, MN